Student from Faculty of Geography UGM, Risky Yanuar Setiyono succeeded to earn an award as The Best Presenter for student category in The 5th Geoinformation Science Symposium 2017 which was held in University Club UGM from September 27 – 28, 2017.
Risky said he is proud to be chosen as the best presenter at this prestigious conference. Risky never expected to win over dozens of other presenters who came from many top universities in Asia.
“I am grateful to be the best presenter because most of the participants are master students,” said Risky on Friday (3/11) in UGM campus.
Risky earned the award after proposing his scientific writing regarding the effort to make built-up land density mapping using remote sensing technology, entitled Spatiotemporal Built-up Land Density Mapping using Various Spectral Indices in Landsat-7 ETM+ and Landsat-8 OLI/TIRS. Risky wrote the scientific writing with his colleague, Aulia Yogi Hastuti, under the supervision of Dr. Prima Widayani.
Through the remote sensing approach, it can increase the efficiency of time, budget, and energy in mapping the built-up land density.
“This method has yet to be widely applied in Indonesia. Most of the mapping methods are using conventional one by visual interpretation,” he added.
The conference was attended by hundreds of participants who consisted of students, researchers, and practitioners from many countries in Asia, including Australia, Japan, and Indonesia. This event was held by Faculty of Geography UGM, collaborating with Geospatial Information Agency and Indonesian Geographer Association.