UGM students keep making achievements. This time, a student from Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, Angelo Abil Wijaya, succeeded to earn an award as the Best Writer in Indonesian Foreign Policy Review which was published on Sunday (12/11). This International Relations Journal is organized by Department of International Relations, Universitas Indonesia.
Indonesian Foreign Policy Review competition was joined by hundreds of students from various universities in Indonesia who were interested in discussing Indonesian foreign policy. Angelo wrote a journal entitled Questioning Neoliberal Theory in Trade among Developing Countries: The Impact of Rice Import from Vietnam to Indonesia’s Food Security. In the journal, Angelo analyzes neoliberal theory in International Relations and how far the theory reflects the influence of rice import from Vietnam towards Indonesian food sovereignty.
Angelo said he studied new things during his research and the journal writing process, particularly regarding Indonesian foreign policy, trade relationship between Indonesia and other developing countries, including Vietnam, as well as international political economy in Southeast Asia.
“I also learn how the concepts and framework of thinking in international relations become deeper during this research and journal writing process,” said Angelo on Tuesday (21/11).
Angelo hopes in the future, Indonesian students, particularly those who study international relations can become more aware of foreign policy issues, thus Indonesia can continuously become a nation with strategic foreign policy in the future.