UGM students never stop to make achievements. This time, the achievement was earned by a student team from Faculty of Economics and Business UGM who succeeded to be the first winner in the 17th ATV Audit Competition. The team consisted of three final year accounting students, Nurma Nindya Sari, Ade Rizqi Wulandari, and Sofi Nabila. The 17th ATV event was a competition held by accounting student association, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Indonesia collaborating with Public Accountant, Deloitte Indonesia, from November 20 until 22, 2017.
The 17th ATV was a national level audit competition which tested both theoretical and practical audit skills of the participants. This year, the 17th ATV raised Aligning Auditor’s Approach to Overcome the Evolving Banking Industry as its theme. There were three stages in the competition, preliminary, semifinal, and grand final.
Nurma said at the preliminary stage, the participants were required to solve an audit case. The top 15 teams were invited to join the semifinal stage which was held at Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Indonesia. At the semifinal, the participants’ skills were tested through writing test, intelligence competition, and audit planning. The top eight teams were chosen based on the highest score to move to the final stage. At the final stage, those teams solved an audit case using Audit Simulation.
“The participants were required to collect data from a client, then present the report and the result in front of the juries who came from Deloitte Indonesia,” said Nurma on Thursday (30/11).
The top 15 teams at the semifinal came from Pelita Harapan University, Surabaya University, Brawijaya University, Swiss German University, Binus University, Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University, Jendral Sudirman University, Semarang University, Widyatama University, and Indonesia Islamic University.
After passing the competition’s stages, Team GRANDE from Faculty of Economics and Business UGM succeeded to be the first winner while the runner-up position was achieved by Pelita Harapan University and the third winner was earned by another UGM Team, namely Team Completeness.