Consumer behaviour in consuming green products is the real act of consumers to sustain the environment. Here consumers play important role to preserve the environment.
“Green products or environmentally friendly products are products made from materials safe to the environment that are processed and that cause minimal impacts to the environment,” said Rahab, SE., M.Sc, in Auditorium BRI UGM on Friday (22/12).
The Management lecturer from Universitas Jenderal Soedirman defended his dissertation titled Extension of Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) with Moral Norm Variable, Knowledge and Care for Environment to Predict Consumer Intention in Buying Green Product. He revealed the factors that affect the intention of consumers in Indonesia to buy green products.
“This research is the expansion of Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) in understanding, explaining and predicting the intention of buying green products. TPB is a theory that has successfully understood, explained and predicted human behaviour,” he said.
Rahab said TPB was developed by Ajzen in 1991. Rahab made the research to test the influence of knowledge, awareness of and moral norms of the environment, and the intention and behaviour of consumers. The research involves 833 respondents.
“Survey was done of consumers from 8 islands in Indonesia (Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Bali, Maluku, Lombok and Papua),” he said.
The research result was that the intention of consumers in Indonesia in buying green products is affected by attitude towards green product behaviour, subjective norm, behaviour control and moral norm; also that formation of behaviour of consumers relate to green product behaviour is affected by subjective norm, moral norm, awareness and knowledge of the environment,
“Other findings are moral norm of consumers have significant influence in forming consumer behaviour and intention to buy green products,” he said.