The world has now entered the fourth industrial revolution with emphasis on digital economy, artificial intelligence, big data, robotic, and other information system that experiences disruption. These technology advancements have made human activities to get more practical, faster, and easier. But technology disruption also poses challenges to university graduates due to the numerous jobs that were lost and replaced by machines.
“This issue becomes a challenge for us because currently jobs that are occupied by workers, bankers, and lecturers, may soon be transforming into something else,” said Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., to 1,648 graduates of UGM in Grha Sabha Pramana on Wednesday (21/2).
Rector said businessmen were also facing challenges to survive in the growing competition. To deal with the issue, there were two choices, said the Rector, to be made by graduates, namely to adapt and start make innovation or remain in the current condition with the risk of having old systems and being replaced by modernity.
What has been done by UGM so far, said the Rector, was prioritising the spirit of socio-entrepreneurship, keep moving forward along with the demand of times, making innovations in educating students and equipping them with the required skills. The Rector further expected the graduates to keep the spirit of innovation in their career. UGM graduates have the responsibility to contribute their knowledge to the benefit of the wider public. “You will always need to apply your knowledge to society and the state whilst still upholding the value of truth,” he said.
Reportedly, there are 1,648 people that graduate today, consisting of 1,382 undergraduate and 266 diploma students. Undergraduate average study time is 4 years and 9 months, D3 is 3 years and 7 months, D4 is 4 years and 2 months. The shortest study time – 3 years and 2 months- is completed by Archita Nur Fitrian from undergraduate International Relations study programme, In diploma, the shortest time (2 years and 4 months) is completed by Ranti Geotalia from Information Technology study programme.
In undergraduate programme, the youngest graduate is Bagus Kevin Rajendra from Civil Engineering that earns the degree at just 17 years, 11 months, and 29 days old. In diploma programme, Ranti Geotalia, again, became the youngest graduate at 20 years, 1 months, and 19 days old.
The number of cum laude graduate in undergraduate program is 410 (29.66 percent) and one person in diploma programme. The highest GPA, 3.99, is earned by Mahdya Isyah Putra Sihite, undergraduate law student; in diploma programme, Mar’atus Solikhah, Korean language student, graduated with GPA 3.82.