Turkish Ambassador to Indonesia, Mr. Mehmet Kadri Sander Gürbüz, visited UGM and received by Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng. The visit aimed to explore possible strategic cooperation between UGM and Turkish universities. The Ambassador was accompanied by directors of BAU, Bahcesehir University, Istanbul.
“Following this visit, there is a possibility to have cooperation in education. Turkey has a relatively new BAU Global University, but the university is already global and has branches in Washington, Hongkong, China etc,” said Panut Mulyono in Balairung UGM on Friday (25/5).
The Rector said both universities proposed a joint research with funding from a third party, especially on medical areas related to alternative healing and physiotherapy, engineering, computer science, energy and cyber security.
“BAU Global has an international network so it is possible to get funding for this planned research. We will both utilise the resource of each other,” said the Rector.
I Made Andi Arsana, S.T., M.E., Ph.D., Head of UGM International Cooperation Sub-directorate said the visit by Turkish Ambassador and BAU Global University had a significant meaning because as a new university, BAU Global has grown rapidly.
Arsana said that Turkish private universities have Board of Trustees while state universities don’t. UGM which is a state university has one. Arsana said the Turkish delegation wanted UGM to share the experience so that Turkish state universities can have Board of Trustees, too. Because with it, the university authority can be reduced.