As a new concept in national environmental law, the enactment of concept of environmental democracy among society still needs to be enhanced. This can be done among others by engaging university and NGO in giving awareness on such a concept.
“This can be done across the board in philosophy, theory, and practice as part of the national environmental protection and management,” said Sapto Hermawan, S.H., M.H,.
According to Sapto during his doctoral promotion at Faculty of Law UGM on Tuesday (24/7), in line with conceptualisation of environmental democracy in national mining management, the law needs to include accessibility and transparency of information related to the environmental mineral and coal mining management. Besides, public participation is needed for policy or regulation formulation.
“This would also need the engagement and respect of customary community rights in the national management of mineral and coal mining as well as restoration of human right,” he said.
Sapto Hermawan who is law lecturer from Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta defended his dissertation entitled Environmental Democracy in the Management of Mineral and Coal Mining in Indonesia. His promoter is Prof. Dr. Marsudi Triatmodjo, S.H., LL.M, and co-promoter is Dr. Drs. Paripurna P.S., S.H., S.Hum., LL.M.
Sapto emphasised that related to policy or regulation formulation, policy makers at legislative and executive levels need to have full comprehension in terms of socio-economic, judicial or environmental aspects, as well as state defence and security so as to be able to produce policy and regulations that are not contradicting the norms of Pancasila and other legal norms.
“The policy and regulation they produced is expected to be implemented well as shown by society response towards the legal norms,” he said.