Development of internet technology and global job market signal a new era of labor market, which is the era of boundaryless market.
“The era brings forth new opportunities and challenges in career,” said Sri Muliati Abdullah during her doctoral thesis public defense at the Faculty of Psychology UGM, Wednesday (7/25).
The lecturer of Mercubuana University’s Faculty of Psychology said that non-conventional career path offers flexibility in directing and managing careers as well as work flexibility without being limited by space and time.
She mentioned career construction process is needed to meet career expectations and to achieve positive career consequences. This career construction is a process of achieving dynamic career expectations through a series of actions and strategies, including the process of learning self-interest and potential, exploring occupations, building and maintaining career sustainability to achieve career satisfaction.
The result of research on millennial generation shows that career construction process in the boundaryless workplace era involves a continuous and repetitive learning in creating a career.
The created career is characterized by uniqueness, sustainable self-development, global digital perspective, collaboration, and flexibility in order to achieve career satisfaction.