Neuroticism personality composition affects task conflict asymmetry positively. Neuroticism reflects types of personalities that tend towards negative emotional experience, such as fear, sadness, uncertainty, anger, errors, and anticipation.
Even individuals with neuroticism personality have instabilities in controlling emotions when having negative experiences. Neuroticism individual tends to be less adjustable, has anxiety, depression, and unsympathetic.
“By involving work teams from various organisations, the research showed that the more diverse the level of neuroticism of group members, the more diverse the member perception of task conflicts,” said Dwita Darmawati, SE., M.Si, in BRI Auditorium of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM on Tuesday (7/8).
The lecturer from Universitas Jenderal Soedirman in Central Java discussed this issue in her open doctoral promotion at Faculty of Economics and Business UGM.
“This outcome does not support the shared mental model theory that predicts conflict asymmetry has negative effects on group creativity,” he said.
Dwita research showed that the bigger perception difference towards task conflict, the higher creativity group would be. This phenomenon can be explained by the more diverse opinions and perception of each member towards task, so there will be various alternatives in resolving group problems.
“The more diverse perception of group member related to the task, the more creative a work group. The team related to innovation, complex task and product design gain benefits from the various different perspectives and knowledge,” she said.
She also found that the neuroticism personality composition of member has positive effect towards task conflict asymmetry indicates that organisations need to pay attention to the type of personality of members when forming the group. Neuroticism level diversity in group members will increase perception differences on task conflict.
“Hence, when organisations require high level of task conflict asymmetry, individual with diverse neuroticisms should be chosen,” said Dwita, accompanied by her promoters Dr. Amin Wibowo, MBA, Dr. Sari Sitalaksmi, Mgt and Dr. Ely Susanto, MBA.