I Wayan Swarautama Mahardhika, UGM Biology student, has won the first prize in the General Category of Scientific and Technology Writing Competition at the summit of National Technology Day 2018 events organized by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education in Pekanbaru, Friday (8/10).
The award was presented personally by the Minister, Prof. Mohammad Nasir, Ph.D. The awarding night was also attended by the third President of Indonesia, B.J. Habibie, Governor of Riau, Arsyadjuliandi Rachman, Secretary General of Higher Education, Ainun Na’im, regional and university leaders, as well as representatives of Indonesian industry.
On this occasion, Mahardhika also won a trophy for his scientific paper entitled Selamat Datang Kambro. In his paper, Mahardhika presented Kambro, the F1 Broiler hybrid chicken cultivated by Gama Chicken team from the Faculty of Biology UGM under the guidance of Dr. Budi S. Daryono, M.Agr.
“This F1 Broiler or Kambro chicken has excellent quality as meat producer,” stated Mahardhika, Monday (8/13).
The characteristics of Kambro’s meat is similar to Pelung chicken with lower feed conversion ratio compared to Broiler chicken. It has a growth rate identical to that of Broiler chicken.
Dean of Faculty of Biology UGM, Dr. Budi S. Daryono, M.Agr., said the Gama Chicken team has conducted research on chicken breeding since 2008. One of the research products is the Kambro chicken.
Budi hoped that in the long run the research result can be implemented as the application of breeding technology in cultivating local chicken breeds. Additionally, it is expected to reduce Indonesia’s import dependency of chicken products and day old chick.
“The award as a form of appreciation is a motivator for researchers in conducting research to be implemented in the long run,” he concluded.