Management lecturer from Universitas Diponegoro, I Made Bayu Dirgantara, has earned a doctorate from Universitas Gadjah Mada after conducting examinations in Management sciences at Faculty of Economics and Business on Monday (20/8).
In his dissertation titled Comparing Predictive Strength between Premeditated Behaviour Theory and Social Cognitive Theory towards Environmental Caring Behaviour, was done to predict the intention becoming behaviour with the focus of behaviour in sorting household waste.
“This research showed that both models of theories can predict the intention and behaviour of individual in sorting household waste,” he said.
Bayu said both theories were ones that are normally used to understand, explain, and predict the intention of individual in sorting household waste in line with what is expected. Predictive capacity of premeditated behaviour theory, however, is better than the social cognitive theory.
Bayu explained the premeditated behaviour theory predicts the intention of individual in sorting household waste significantly through perceived behavioural control. Next, it predicts behaviour of individual in waste sorting significantly through individual’s intention in sorting household waste.
Meanwhile, the intention of individual in sorting household waste based on social cognitive theory directly predicts significantly the output expectation and social support. The intention of individual in sorting household waste is predicted by self-efficacy indirectly through output expectation.