Three UGM lecturers participated in an International forum discussing Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) from 22-23 November 2018 in Shizuoka University, Shizuoka, Japan. It is themed ESD for SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and Teacher Education: Constructing Professional Learning Community (PLC) for SDGs. UGM sent lecturers who are Dr. Puji Astuti (Faculty of Pharmacy), Prof. Dr. Cahyono Agus (Faculty of Forestry, and Dr. Lisna Hidayati Faculty of Biology UGM.
In the forum Cahyono Agus explained natural resource management through Professional Learning Community and Tri Pusat Pendidikan (three educational centres) developed by Ki Hadjar Dewantara. According to Cahyono, who is Chairman of Tamansiswa Association and member of Yogyakarta Education Agency, he was currently reformulating the concept of teaching of Ki Hadjar Dewantara, as well as Education for Sustainable Development and Professional Learning Community. “We want to draft policy recommendation for government. It’s now the best time because government is trying to making huge changes to our National Education System,” said Cahyono Agus in a release sent to journalists on Tuesday (27/11).
On Professional Learning Community, he explained in the forum it was agreed that joint activities would be conducted to empower the potential of each country and university so that the ESD concept can contribute to sustainable development.
The Forum organised by “The Fujinokuni Consortium for Promotion of ESD & Globalization of Teacher Education Project” and Faculty of Education Shizuoka University Japan 2018 is the third to be held. It is attended by RCE (Regional Center of Expertise) networks from Shizuoka, Thailand, and Indonesia. Next, UGM and Indonesia have been appointed as host for the fourth forum in 2019.