UGM presented a shadow puppet play (wayang kulit) on Friday (14/12) at Balairung UGM to celebrate the 69th anniversary of the university. The play was commanded by shadow puppet master, Ki Aji Carito (alumnus of Nusantara Literature ’16), displaying the story of Saptaarga Binangun.
The play tells the conflict of interest between Pandawa and Kurawa families in Wukir Saptaarga. The Pandawa family members came to respond to the invitation from Resi Wiyasa. But the Kurawa who is led by Prabu Duryudana feels mistreated because the event is done without his instruction, who is the oldest grandson of Resi Wiyasa.
The audience of the play consisted of UGM academic community and surrounding communities. They stayed until late in the early hours to see it.
Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., hoped that the audience would be inspired by the play. “There is a lesson to learn from it for us in our daily lives,” said the Rector.
Furthermore, Panut said the play was the manifestation of UGM identity as University of Cultural Centre. “The play tonight is one of realisations of UGM vision in sustaining Nusantara culture,” he said.
In addition, said Panut, the event could strengthen the bond between UGM and the surrounding communities. “Through this event, UGM opens the partition that separates the insiders from the outsiders. One thing that binds us tonight is our love of shadow puppet play which is Indonesia’s cultural richness,” he said.