Agricultural Engineering master’s student of UGM, Patriasia Hesti Tri Nugraheni, became Best Presenter in an international seminar titled 7th International Conference on Applied Sciences and Engineering Application (7th ICASEA), held on 9 December 2018 in Malaysia.
The international seminar was joined by 20 participants from around the world. In this event, academics, researchers, and practitioners had the opportunity to share research experience in engineering and applied sciences.
Patriasia said she became the best presenter after presenting her research titled Mapping The Variable-Rate Application (VRA) of Precision Fertilizing For Soybean.
“The research is aimed at producing maps that recommend precise fertilisation of soybean to get precise dosage fertilisation,” she said.
In her research Patriasia measured the levels of N, P, and K in a land sized 1,000 m2 . The land was mapped into 10m x 10m plots to examine the spread of N, P and K levels. Hence, a recommended map for fertilisation of each plot is produced to get more precise dosage.
To the seminar, Agricultural Engineering and Biosystem Department UGM also sent a doctoral student, namely Sari Virgawati.
“The achievement is expected to be able to motivate UGM students to perform better, make contributions to the state, and make UGM proud,” she said.