Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has ranked first in Indonesia according to Webometrics 2019.
This made UGM above Universitas Indonesia (UI) and Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) at second and third. In Southeast Asia, UGM ranked 15th and the world 845th.
“UGM ranked first in Indonesia according to Webometrics ranking released in January 2019,” said UGM Head of Public Relations and Protocol office, Dr. Iva Ariani, on Wednesday (6/2) at UGM.
Iva said this ranking was a pride for UGM as it showed UGM achievements in disseminating science, information, and works of UGM academic community.
“This became a challenge for UGM to keep improving quality and quantity of publications in order that UGM website can be an informational window for society,” she said.
UGM Secretary to Director of Information and Resource Centre (DSSDI), Triyogatama Wahyu Widodo, M.Kom., said the UGM ranking was earned through Webometrics assessments consisting of four indicators: presence, impact, openness, and excellence. Presence is measured based on the number of UGM internal websites, including sub-domains. Impact is measured through the backlink of external websites.
Openness is measured through the number of (Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), Adobe PostScript (.ps, .eps), Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) and Microsoft Powerpoint (.ppt, .pptx)) that can be accessed and linked to university website domain. Excellence is based on the number of scientific publication by UGM academic community that is indexed in reputed international journals.
“The highest weight of impact indicator contributes as high as 50%. This means UGM websites became a reference for other websites,” he said.