Delegates of UGM have brought home 9 medals from National Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ON MIPA) 2019 competition held at Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Makassar from 26-29 April 2019.
UGM has earned 1 gold medal, 4 silver medals and 3 bronze medals as well as an Honorable Mention.
“We were proud of the achievements of the UGM delegates in this competition. It was the result of their hard work and hopefully in the next competition the students would have even better results,” said Head of Student Creativity Sub-directorate, Dr. Suherman, on Thursday (2/5) at UGM.
Suherman said to the competition UGM sent 22 students for four categories of competition, namely physics, biology, mathematics, and chemistry. Yustika Sari earned the gold medal in biology category. Four silver medals were earned by Zayyani Trianti Fatmasari (chemistry), Satria Widyanto (physics), Muhammad Malhan Amin and Ahmad Suyoko (biology). Next, 3 bronze medals were earned by Toto Budi Trapsilo (math), Aziz Albar R (physics), and Amelia Nur Khasanah (biology), also the medal of Honorable Mention was earned by Waffiq Maaroja (mathematics).
“Furthermore, two of the students that earned the medals in math category were entitled to join a selection at the national level to represent Indonesia in the International Mathematics Competition (IMC) 2019 to be held in Bulgaria,” he added.
The ON MIPA competition is a national event annually held by the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs. Competing five disciplines mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology, it is joined by hundreds of students from various Indonesian universities.