Faculty of Philosophy UGM conducted a Studium Generale on Saturday (4/5) in Grha Sabha Pramana UGM for UGM students that take general core courses. Around 2,000 students took part in the event.
Dr. Arqom Kuswanjono, Dean of the Faculty, said the Studium Generale was the first to do and it was planned to be given each semester.
Arqom said the lecture would be given in two sessions on 4 May and 25 May to accommodate all the participants. “The total number of participants is 4,098 from all faculties,” he said.
The theme of the Studium Generale this time was Prevention of Radicalism and Strengthening of State Identity in Higher Education. This theme was selected, according to Arqom, due to the rampant spread of radicalism on campuses.
“This is a serious problem that needs to be handled immediately. The students that believe in this belief have lost their trust of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, They want to change this nation into a caliphate. This means the threat against the nation no longer comes from outside but inside,” he expressed his concerns.
The statement was shared by Prof. Ir. Dr. Djagal Wiseso Marseno, M.Agr., Vice-Rector for Education, Learning, and Student Affairs. He said the purpose of UGM was to develop science for the progress of the nation. “Hence, UGM always tries to strengthen the young generation, particularly its students, to be shunned from those beliefs that weaken the nation,” he said.
Djagal explained UGM had taken measures to counter the matter, such as through student induction event, studium generale, and student community service. Through those programmes, UGM instills the love for the nation. He also hoped the lecture would give new insights to the students.
“Radicalism can be interpreted as something that uproots a thing quickly. But a few centuries back, this belief had brought positive changes instead. For instance, Galileo broke the belief of the solar system from the geocentric to heliocentric. I hope the students of today can emulate such radicalism,” he said concluding the event.