The city of Temanggung in Central Java was formerly known for its tobacco production. But now Temanggung has gained a new title as the city of coffee.
There are two coffee types being grown by the city, Arabica and Robusta. One of the places that produce coffee is Ngemplak village in Kandangan district.
“In this village robusta coffee is popular and almost everyone grows it,” said Thomas Wardana, UGM Philosophy student from class of 2017.
According to Thomas, the rich natural potential in the village could attract tourism. If developed further, it can contribute to the welfare of the people.
“Indeed, farmers here often complain, during harvest and excess production, the price would jump down. It’s unfortunate, coffee making development here is pretty basic,” he said at UGM on Wednesday (19/6).
Responding to the matter, through the Student Creativity Programme, Thomas Wardana and fellow students, Dian Hafiizh Rachmawati, Dwi Rahmasari Fatmawati, Tubagus Laka Atrinda Wibawa, and Yesi Noviatun found a solution to give coffee more value. With the guidance of Dr. Ngurah Weda Sahadewa, they offered an alternative on community empowerment through tourism. One of the activities they did was to make use Robusta coffee to support the concept of agrotourism of the village named as KAROSTA.
“The programme was done in a hamlet in the village, which is Gedongan, as a foundation to a sustainable tourism village. This project is finally funded by Higher Learning Directorate General,” he said.
He explained in this programme, coffee plantation was turned into coffee based home industry so that after harvest and price decrease, the people were able to make the coffee into drinks and snacks such as chips, crackers, fritters, nuggets, Thai coffee drinks, etc. The plantation could also be used for agrotourism.
Thomas explained besides improving the economy, the agrotourism would add to the philosophy and local wisdom. The village is a zone free from the internet where internet is not allowed to support direct interaction between man, and also nature.