An application in agricultural technology made by Universitas Gajah Mada’s lecturer, Bayu Dwi Apri Nugroho, Ph.D., has earned Certificate of Merit in the Asia Smart App Awards 2019 Hong Kong. The app named as RiTx Bertani was awarded on Thursday (20/6) at Cyberport 3 Hong Kong.
RiTx Bertani developed by Bayu and team from PT Mitra Sejahtera Membangun Bangsa (MSMB) won in the category of Public Sector Distinction, which is an award for developers of apps that give solution to public problems and make social impact to society.
Bayu explained RiTx Bertani was an android based app used by farmers to record agricultural activities. This is important to ensure that farmers adopt the Good Agricultural Practices (GAP). GAP is agricultural practices which are good, right, and appropriate, done from preparation before planting season until post-harvest. GAP application ensures traceability principle of post-harvest products can be achieved. This would guarantee that the product is safe to consume.
“Based on Internet of Things(IoT), RiTx Bertani is integrated with soil sensor technology that is installed in the agricultural land,” he said in a release received on Friday (21/6).
Through the recorded data, he said, farmers would obtain a more precise recommendation. Bayu said the farmer’s ignorance of the need of sustainability became a crucial problem in agriculture. For example, they often use excessive fertilisers and pesticides.
“This smart farming will help the farmers and ensure their activities in the land do not harm the environment,” he said.
The app is equipped with agricultural chatbot and smart speaker. The development is supported by four ministries which are Agriculture, Industry, Communication and Information, and Rural and Underdeveloped Regions.
Asia Smart App Awards is an award granted by Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association (WTIA) to innovators of application of excellence in various platforms.