Maintaining immunity or the immune system is one way to avoid viral infections and diseases, including Covid-19. Head of the Immunology Allergy Division of the Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FKKMK) UGM, dr. Deshinta Putri Mulya, M.Sc., Sp.PD-KAI., FINASIM., said that strengthening body immunity is very important, especially during the Coronavirus pandemic.
She explained that humans have two kinds of immunity; they are innate immunity and adaptive immunity. Innate immunity is a natural immunity that acts as the body’s first defense system against all germs (antigens) that enter the body. On the other hand, adaptive immunity is a more specific body defense system that arises due to the stimulation of particular pathogens such as flu, pneumonia, and others.
“Both become the most important part of the human body’s immune system which protects it from pathogenic threats,” she explained when contacted Monday 20/4).
Deshinta, as a doctor in Internal Medicine KSM Dr. Sardjito, said that there were many possible things to enhance the body’s immunity. In addition to complying with government recommendations related to Covid-19 prevention efforts such as physical distancing, having thorough handwashing with soap, and wearing masks, another step that can be taken is by stopping smoking.
“Smoking can damage physical barriers such as the mucosa, which keeps harmful substances from the outside. Also, please avoid using materials that can irritate the skin because it can damage the physical barrier of the body,” she explained.
Enhancing immunity can also be done by paying attention to nutrition absorption. Deshinta explained that several nutrients could improve the work of macrophages or cells that function as the body’s defenses.
“Foods that contain vitamins A, C, E, and D can improve the work of immune cells and natural immune work,” she said.
Adding the consumption of supplements is also recommended if you feel that you have not got the vitamin needs from your daily consumption food. Meanwhile, people with excessive physical activity, people who forced to work outside the home, and people with weak immune systems such as people with comorbidities (comorbid) are highly recommended to consume immunostimulant consumption.
She said managing stress was also vital. Because stress affects the body’s immunity, if someone is stressed, then the body will release hormones to relieve stress. However, this condition has the effect of reducing the body’s resistance. Therefore, she urged people not to be easily got stress out over this uncertain situation amid the Covid-19 pandemic.
Besides, having physical activities such as sports is also essential to maintain immunity. Exercise should be done for 30 minutes at least three times a week with moderate intensity. By exercising will help improve body protection and maintain physicality.
Author: Ika
Photo: Shutterstock
Translator: Natasa A