The Express and logistical in the middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic had an essential contribution in distributing medical devices throughout Indonesia. Besides, PT Pos Indonesia also presented an important role in routing social aid funds to reach the impoverished society who were affected by the Coronavirus pandemic. This action was raised in a webinar on Wednesday (5/20) entitled the Express and Logistics Contribution to Overcome the Covid Pandemic (The New Normal). The Ministry of Communication and Information, in collaboration with the Center for Transportation and Logistics Studies (Pustral) UGM, were parties who organized the event.
Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X as The Governor of DIY said that during this Pandemic, the distribution of medical devices such as ADP attire, masks, and medical equipment was crucial in tackling the spread of Covid-19. On the other hand, a shift in people’s behavior from offline shopping to online is an opportunity for the sector to develop. Probably, a new behavior can occur when the Pandemic ends. Thus, it has become an opportunity and a challenge for the express and logistics sector in the new normal era.
Gilarsi W. Setijono, President Director of PT. Pos Indonesia, said that PT. During this Pandemic, Pos Indonesia remains to serve the community even though it is constrained in terms of shipping goods due to transportation restrictions with the implementation of PSBB in several regions. “Even though there are barriers, we always pay attention to the health of all employees must be healthy first in providing services. Therefore the Covid-19 health protocol is always considered,” he said.
To support medical device delivery services for medical personnel, PT Pos Indonesia is trusted by the government to distribute social assistance, both cash, and non-cash. The biggest challenge in distributing social aid is related to the address of beneficiary data because it increases impoverished family data. “We have 58 million address data. We are proceeding with AI technology, so we have 8.3 million address data as the destination of delivery,” he said.
The Head of the Center for Transportation and Logistics Studies (Pustral) UGM, Prof. Agus Taufik Mulyono, said the positive impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the form of IT literacy is easy to access to digital procedures that could be utilized by the express and logistics sector. Besides, it also aims to accelerate the distribution of humanitarian logistics. According to him, the government must immediately define legal instruments related to the rules of humanitarian logistical donors for non-natural disasters. “PT. Pos Indonesia and Asperindo can play a role as donors to manage the distribution of humanitarian logistical assistance during and after the Covid-19 Pandemic,” he said.
Ahmad M Ramli, Director General of Post and Information Technology (PPI) of the Ministry of Communication and Information, said that during the Covid-19 Pandemic, the number of online shop transactions increased by up to 400 percent. It is foretold to continue in new regular marketplace platforms that will receive competition from big retailers to minimarkets that also open online services to delivery. “Express and logistics services will compete on the quality of these services,” he said.
Meanwhile, the General Chairperson of the Indonesian Express, Post and Logistics Shipping Services Association (Asperindo), Mohammad Feriadi, acknowledged that there was an increase in demand for shipping goods due to the shift in the ordering of products via the online platform. However, the entire Asperindo network complies with the Covid-19 health protocol in the delivery of goods until it reaches consumers. “There is a significant increase in demand from the public because it has shifted to an online platform,” he explained.
Author: Gusti Grehenson
Photo: www.shutterstock.com
Translator: Natasa A