The Center for Academic Innovation and Policy (PIKA) UGM for an encore held UGM Talks 2020 on Friday (5/6) afternoon online. The program was broadcast live through the UGM Channel Youtube channel. The theme raised in this event was “Preparing for a New Normality Post-Covid-19 Pandemic”.
The talks were guided by Dr. Hatma Suryatmojo, S.Hut., M.Sc., as the Head of PIKA UGM. Some speakers were present such as Wignyo Adiyoso, Ph.D. (Pusdiklatren BAPPENAS), Dr. Bevaola Kusumasari, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Lecturer of FISIPOL UGM), Dr. Agung Harijoko, S.T., M.Eng. (Head of UGM PSBA), and Prof. Ir. Irfan Dwidya Priambada, M.Eng., Ph.D. (Director of Community Service).
Bevaola or familiarly called Ola said there were negative sentiments about the new normal that the government often echoed. That’s not because they reject it, but they need the certainty of realizing the new normal. “Our society is not the type who likes to read. However, if the government gives direction or signs about what they can and cannot do, they will automatically adapt,” he said.
Besides, Ola explained that the disaster communication process from the government to the community was somewhat ineffective. He said the government no longer had an arbitrator communicator who could convince the public. Finally, most communities move on their own based on other sources.
“With the UGM Student Community Service program currently underway, this student figure can become one of the referee’s local communicators. Besides, influencers whose opinions used as examples by the public to disseminate information,” he explained.
Meanwhile, Irfan Prijambada added that the current Students Community Service Program implementation was indeed applied differently from before. The location of the Community Service Program is still in various parts of Indonesia. However, the students do not go down directly, but through online. “The focus of the Community Service Program this time is to educate the public during a pandemic. We would like to ensure that the public receives information to deal with and deal with Covid-19 is correct as well as to prepare the community to be able to adapt quickly when normal starts,” he explained.
Wignyo Adyoso believes that the government has prepared a protocol regarding changes in people’s lifestyle in New Normal. According to him, currently the role of various parties to make it successful. “Synergy between the government, universities, the private sector, and the community must be cemented. Even though we already have social capital, collective awareness about the right way of life during a pandemic is also important,” he said.
He also hopes that after the pandemic, the community’s perspective and mindset during this pandemic will carry over to prepare for other disasters in the future. Wignyo also hopes that may Government would be wiser in compiling future policies and the existence of disasters that can come at any time.
“In the future, natural disasters will come, both natural and non-natural. Therefore, because we are currently facing it now, we should make this the foundation for facing other future disasters. If not, there is no guarantee if we won’t fall in the same hole again,” Wignyo concluded.
Author: Hakam
Translator: Natasa A