The UGM Semar Team won the Honorable Mention Communication Award at the Virtual Off-Track Awards, Shell Eco-marathon Asia 2020, on last Wednesday (3/6). This award is the first time that UGM Semar Team has received it during the Shell Eco-Marathon Asia Off-track Award.
This annual competition generally divided into two competitions, namely on-track and off-track. The team joined on the on-track race by including their car products. As for off-track, participants only submit documents about the innovation, branding, and strategy of their teams. For this year, each should prepare their products since January and the deadline for collection in May.
The Communication Award is given to the team with the most influential campaign to promote or branding the team. The team that follows this off-track must submit a communications plan, implementation summary, and impact analysis. The jury chose Semar Urban UGM’s work to receive the Communication Award at the Shell Eco-Marathon Asia 2020 because it was rated “touch the heart of their audiences with their personal stories”.
The Semar team is led by Fikri Amanda Ramadhan (UGM UGM). The team members consisted of: Galang Prabu Madani, Rizky Gemilang Darma Saputra, Zein Nurrahman, M. Rian Alif Madani, Yido Adrian Wijaya, Ferdinand Maycello, Wahyu Santoso, Silvyaniza Ayu Brilianand, Ananda Firly Nugroho, Ricko Kusuma Putra, Muhammad Raihan As’adad , Shanazia Sekar, Veronika Dwika Andhita, Zufar Aditama, Az Zahra Salsabila Maharani from FT UGM, Tiara Nur Rizka Karlinda and Elisabeth Vialliarvin from FEB UGM with the guidance of Dr. Jayan Sentanuhady (FT-DTMI lecturer).
Fikri representing the UGM Semar team expressed gratitude for the achievements they have achieved. He recounted the preparations the team had made since January by holding meetings every week. This meeting aims as a brainstorm to think about the content that they were going to upload next on their social media.
“The meeting initially held directly face-to-face and eventually, it had to switch online due to the Covid-19 pandemic,” Fikri said on Thursday (6/25).
Fikri said the effort had paid off by getting the Communication Award. He hopes that with this award, it will encourage all team members to be more enthusiastic to fight in the upcoming Shell Eco-marathon Asia 2021 event. The hope, next year they can get two achievements at once for the On-track Award and Off-track Award in the Urban Concept and Prototype categories.
Author: Hakam
Photo: SEMAR Team
Translator: Natasa A