UGM Community Service Program attempted to strengthen disaster-resilient villages in North Lombok. Not to enhance only on the disaster-resilient villages, the UGM Community Service Program team will also run the potential of MSMEs there. This time, UGM Community Service Program incorporated in the Tanjung Unit PPM UGM KKN under the guidance of DPL Dwi Umi Siswanti, M.Sc. from the Faculty of Biology.
The UGM Community Service Program of Tanjung Unit was officially welcomed online by the North Lombok Regency Government on Friday (3/7). There were some parties attended the opening ceremony, they are Samsul Bahri (Camat of Tanjung), Budiawan (Head of Tanjung Village), and Darrel Pradipta Yuan (Sekdes of Tegal Maja Village), Field Supervisors and 29 students.
“Hopefully the program will be able to run and be supported by the community there,” Dwi said on Sunday (5/7).
Samsul Bahri, as Camat of Tanjung, revealed the condition of its community after the earthquake disaster. Furthermore, he also explained the latest situation of society against Covid-19.
“In this current Covid-19 Pandemic, our MSME barely moved at all. Moreover, the home quarantine for the reactive people also had a significant effect on the economy. For the UGM Community Service Program team, let’s together assist the community with the current conditions. The village will facilitate the data needed including the kind of elements we need to strengthen and we still truly need assistance,” said Samsul.
Meanwhile, the Village Secretary of Tegal Maja Village, Darrel Pradipta Yuan, hopes that there will still be a communication between two parties considering it is online-program-implementation.
“Virtual should not reduce the enthusiasm to contribute to our community. We only hope because this online service-learning program frequently communicates to run smoothly,” Darrel said.
Hanif Janitra as Unit Student Co-ordinator described a series of large programs planned by the NBN 046 Unit of UGM Community Service Program, namely increasing the selling value of MSME products, strengthening resilient villages and disaster risk maps. These three aspects carried out in the Medana villages, Tanjung and Tegal Maja.
Author: Satria
Photo: Detik.com
Translator: Natasa A