We can assume that traditional markets could be one of the centres of the social and economic life of the community that has been running for a long time. During the Covid-19 pandemic, traditional markets remained to play a role in sustaining people’s lives.
As an assembly point for many people, some parties consider the traditional market to have potential as a transmission centre for Covid-19. Entering a new period of evolution, UGM’s Disaster Response Unit (DERU) pays more attention to traditional markets as the centre of people’s economy.
“UGM DERU remains to remind everyone in the market to always comply with the health protocol,” said Dr. Rachmawan Budiarto, S.T., M.T., as secretary of the Directorate of Community Service at the UGM Community on Monday (7/27).
Rachmawan explained DERU UGM’s concern to the traditional market was in the form the distribution of 670 small health packages in 37 traditional markets. Among them are Prambanan, Kalasan, Sorogenen, Kliwon, Berbah and Piyungan markets.
“InsyaAllah, with the support of many parties, we will continue to move the distribution to many markets. We are doing this because there are still many traders and buyers who have not yet obeyed the health protocol in some markets,” he explained.
In addition to providing health packages, DERU UGM also remains to conduct socialization related to this health protocol with banners, stickers, billboards, and travelling cars. The Directorate of Community Service every day also works on making face shields, making packages (H.S., Masks, Vitamins) and distributing packages to traditional markets five times.
“In addition to traditional markets, PPE (and health packages) also distributed to various health facilities in DIY and outside DIY,” he said.
Ardian Andi Pradana, S.T., DPKM team in the DERU UGM daily operational guard, added that the distribution of health packages in traditional markets had begun on Saturday (25/7). Distribution of this health package will proceed to 37 traditional market locations.
There are a total number of 37 traditional markets include Bringharjo, Lempuyangan, Pingit, Ngasem, Kota Gede, Sentul, Morning Markets in front of the Kraton Police Station, Pakem, Gentan, Cebongan, Kutu, Mlati and Tempel markets. Also markets are Gendol, Sleman, Ngoto, Wonokromo, Imogiri, Kepek, Turi, Barongan, Ngangkruksari, Ngangkruk, Gading, Bakulan, Prawirotaman, Pujokusuman, Legi Patangpuluhan market, Jodog market, Bantul, Niten, Prambanan, Kalangkruk, Gading, Bakulan, Prawirotaman, Pujokusuman, Legi Patangpuluhan market, Jodog market, Bantul, Niten, Prambanan, Kalasan, Sorogenen, Krokon ,ah and Piyungan market.
“The Directorate of Community Service at UGM provides 4,000 packages. We do this initiation considering the traditional market as a place that has the potential to Covid-19 transmission,” he explained.
Author: Agung Nugroho
Translator: Natasa A