It has been UGM’s identity as National University, University of Toil, University of Pancasila, University of Democracy and University of Cultural Center.
Within its journey, UGM has so far consistently maintaining values contained in the UGM identity. Nevertheless, from the five UGM identities, there is still a sense of identity, it is the Central Culture University which has not been able to be realized optimally either implicitly or explicitly compared to the other four identities.
“Everyone cannot deny that UGM’s identity as the Central Culture University has a central and important role in accomplishing the purpose of establishing UGM in the past seven decades,” said Chairman of the Professor Council, Prof. Koentjoro on Thursday (7/30).
According to Koentjoro, a culture, in essence, has a very central and vital role and function in directing as well as providing orientation towards any effort to achieve goals related to the identity of UGM as the Cultural Center University. The potential and opportunities possessed by UGM in actualizing UGM’s identity as the Central Culture University are enormous.
The diversity of scholarship embodies this value, the number and high level of quality related to the competence of lecturers in developing their knowledge, the support of adequate teaching staff and the number and diversity of origin students possessed throughout the archipelago that has cultural diversity.
Seeing these potential and opportunities above, DGB UGM formulated the vision and mission, models and concepts of UGM as the University of Cultural Center in 2050. To formulate the concept, DGB organized a plenary session of UGM as the identity of the University of Cultural Center on Thursday (30/7) presenting national architect Yori Antar. Beforehand, DGB UGM had also conducted a series of parallel workshop activities since June 2020.
Author: Satria
Translator: Natasa A