Universitas Gadjah Mada has deployed as many as 78 SCS-CEL students to help students who have difficulty learning online during a pandemic. Assisted by four field supervisors, these students will help students and teachers in areas that do not have sufficient access to online education.
UGM Director of Community Service, Prof. Ir. Irfan Dwidya Priyambada, M.Eng., Ph.D., said the students will be deployed in 16 locations for 50 days to help elementary, junior high and high school students who do not have access to online education. This condition is mostly caused by the limitations of internet access, access to facilities education, or limitations in buying data packages or pulses. “UGM supports them to get a quality education. Hopefully, students can take a role in society amid the tough times,” said Irfan in an online ceremony for the release and dropping of SCS-CEL students on Monday (24/8).
According to Irfan, the atmosphere of the Covid-19 pandemic has limited our activities, one of which study from home. Whether we like it or not, we must study and work from home. However, not all community members have better access to distance education. “Next to the Ngawi forest, there is a village that has received a signal, so we got an idea to strengthen the signal. I hope that later Engineering students can make hardware to help our brothers whose locations are difficult to get a signal,” he said.
Irfan said that if this is a success, his party will use the same method in remote locations in Indonesia that have difficulty in obtaining internet signal access.
Head of Sub Directorate of SCS-CEL, Dr. Ambar Kusumandari, said that the transfer of SCS-CEL students to care about education is relevant to the wishes of the Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim when previously UGM students helped students who had difficulty learning online due to limited access to online learning. “Pak Nadiem asked SCS-CEL students to also help in handling educational problems in the field in connection with the implementation of online learning. There were several problems in the network, facilities and teacher competence as well as difficulties for students to receive online learning,” he said.
UGM SCS-CEL Field Supervisor, Dr. Arif Kusumawanto, said that SCS students will develop a simple internet signal booster or wifi amplifier to help students be able to access education online. “We will make a wifi amplifier antenna, the material is simple, it is made from bamboo poles or pipes and then connects the cable with the connector,” he said.
Arif also said, for remote and hilly areas, the location of the installation of this tool will be examined first by students. Hence, the installation of this internet signal booster antenna can be transmitted properly. “We know that each provider has a different wave beam, so the antenna must be installed at a higher place and no hills are blocking,” he said.
Author: Gusti Grehenson
Translator: Natasa A