UGM SCS-CEL was held online during the pandemic in order to prevent the potential transmission of Covid-19. Although the implementation was online, it does not discourage students’ enthusiasm to serve and innovate to help the community be independent according to their potential.
One of the successful works made by UGM SCS-CEL students was creating the jingle “Desa Wisata Sendang,” as a work of art that from the result of student’s collaboration to promote Sendang Tourism Village to the general public.
Icha Maharani Umaira, a member of the SCS-CEL student, said the creation of the jingle carried out as a tourism promotion media that is regarded as one of the programs run by one of the SCS students in Sendang Village. “The idea to make Jingle Tourism Village was initiated based on one of the potentials of Sendang village, namely the tourism sector,” she said.
She added that with this creation of Jingle Desa Wisata Sendang, it could uplift and further develop the tourism potential of Sendang Village due to tourists’ stimulation to visit Sendang Village. “Hopefully, the Covid-19 pandemic will end soon so that various tourist attractions, especially those in Sendang Village, can be reopened and become enjoyment and economic support for the community,” she hoped.
As is known, the location of Sendang village itself is in Wonogiri District, Wonogiri Regency, Central Java Province. Various extraordinary tourism potential has surrounded this village, and fortunately, this has become a source of village income. Several types of tourism found in Sendang Village are Joglo Peak, which has paragliding tours to stimulate adrenaline and excitement at Wonogiri Peak. Also, we can enjoy the Wonogiri view from the height through Watu Cenik hilly areas. However, the emergence of pandemic affects this tourism area to be temporarily closed.
Author: Gusti Grehenson
Translator: Natasa A