For 51 days, one of the UGM SCS-CEL groups served at Biak Numfor. Even though the implementation of SCS-CEL was online, the UGM student teams have succeeded in resolving every problem and creating innovative concept designs in various fields.
From the tourism division, the Biak Numfor KKN student team succeeded in combining digital technology mastery with theoretical studies and strategic analysis as outlined in producing tourism applications and websites in http://biakelok.com/.
“The application and website contain tourism information in Biak Numfor Regency is classified by district, tourism accessibility starting from tourism promotion, accommodation and so on,” said Meha Middlyne Simbolon, the representative of UGM Biak SCS-CEL group 2020 code PA012 on Tuesday (25 / 8), at the UGM campus.
The government division also carries out website development. The website created by UGM students is intended for Kampung Anggaduber to facilitate the village community’s service process, and the site can be accessed through https://desaanggaduber.wixsite.com/mysite.
Meha Simbolon explained that each division of the UGM Community Service Program in Biak Numfor designed the module as a material reference and a recommendation to the Regional Government of Biak Numfor Regency. For instance, the module for developing the tourism potential of developmental pathways contains guidelines for the Analysis of the Operational Areas for Natural Tourism Attractions (ADOODTWA), which refers to the Dirjen PHKA manual in 2003.
Next is also about the Tourist Information Center (Design TIC) created by the infrastructure division. The guidelines made can be surely implemented at the Frans Kaisepo Airport.
“The module contains a visual and auditive design strategy to increase the attractiveness of Biak Numfor tourism,” he explained.
Furthermore, Meha Simbolon explained that the UGM 2020 SCS-CEL Biak team also gave its concern for the current Covid-19 pandemic situation. They have concerns in several work programs to prevent and procure several facilities for the community to avoid the danger of transmission of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Some of the products produced include new normality protocol modules. Things that need to be considered in the implementation of entering the new normal are detail explained within this module.
“We call it nutrition tips. Hence, people can pay attention to body power, education on balanced nutrition, introducing the use of cloth masks to prevent Covid-19. Meanwhile, to support the economic sector of rural communities, instructions on the use of the BUMDes accounting information system application for financial management and marketing (marketing) were issued through social media,” he explained.
Meha Simbolon said that in terms of creativity, the UGM SCS-CEL team succeeded in making a virtual museum entitled “Biak Numfor Online Museum.” Using artsteps, visitors can see collections in the museum, such as culture and destinations in Biak Numfor, footage from the 2018 and 2019 UGM SCS-CEL documentation.
The appearance of the virtual museum is equipped with a backsound of Biak folk songs, which certainly gives visitors a distinct nuance. There are 6 (six) editions of the podcast “Bincang Biak,” which discusses the topic of tourism and governance in Biak Numfor Regency through sources seen as inspirational figures who work directly to serve the community.
The results of the UGM SCS-CEL at Biak Numfor received appreciation from the local government. These results very effects in tourism, governance, village development, health protocols for Covid-19, and others are certainly very beneficial for the Biak Numfor area.
“This is an extraordinary result, and we are socializing it for OPD in Biak Numfor so that it can be an assistance task for OPD in providing services to the community,” said Hery Mulyana, S.Sos.
At the end of the implementation of SCS, there was an official closing via the zoom meeting on Wednesday (19/8). There were several parties attended the closing session. They are Head of the Biak Numfor Regency One-Stop Investment Service (DPMPTSP), Hery Mulyana, S.Sos., M.Sc., Head of the Regional Planning and Development Agency (BAPPEDA) of Biak Numfor Regency, Wilson John Titahena, S.Pi, MM., Head of the Biak Numfor District Health Office, Daud N. Duwiri, S.KM., M.Kes., Head of the Biak Numfor Fisheries Service, Effendi Igirisa S.Pi., MM, and Head of the Biak Numfor Regency Tourism Office, Turbey Onisimus Dangeubun S.Pi, M.Si.
Author: Agung Nugroho
Translator: Natasa A