The Covid-19 pandemic has influenced the implementation of smart cities in Indonesia. The Coronavirus outbreak has prompted smart cities’ performance in the country to support the adoption of a new normal order during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Dr. Rini Rachmawati, S.Si., M.T., said that various regions implemented smart cities in facing Covid-19. Each area has programs that support by making better use of social media and information and communication technology (ICT). In the New Normal period, cities and districts apply integrated ICT based on the government’s New Normal guidelines.
“Implementing smart cities with services based on information and communication technology (ICT) and strengthening public information improves smart governance,” she explained on her scientific oration entitled “Virtual Space and the Future of Smart City Development” in the 57th Anniversary of the Faculty of Geography. UGM on Tuesday (9/1) online.
Meanwhile, from the smart economy and smart branding point, it is reinforced by the strengthening of MSMEs, product innovation, and marketing using ICT and changes in people’s styles in accessing financial services online. She gave an example of the smart city implementation that has been carried out by several cities and districts in the country. One of them is the Kendal Regency, which implements innovation in the form of a traditional market application, namely zoning the market in one sub-district to fulfill the village’s needs and strengthening the local economy whose members reach nearly 2,000 traders.
Next, Kutai Regency has developed several applications to help with marketing and delivery of products for MSMEs and traders, local transportation services, monitoring the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak, paying taxes, and online and other populations civil registration applications.
Meanwhile, it is associated with local wisdom in strengthening smart society, such as the culture of cooperation, “tepo seliro,” “guyup rukun,” and an intelligent community, which is reflected in the ability to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Besides, environmental awareness can be demonstrated by initiating the use of disinfectants in villages and cities and masks that can also increase MSMEs in making masks.
“There needs to be synergy and joint efforts from all parties, both from the government, public and private sides to achieve success in implementing a smart city during a pandemic and facing the New Normal,” she explained.
She also emphasized that in the effort to become a smart city, there is a need for infrastructure development. Some of them are the sustainability of electricity resources, the availability of internet network infrastructure with a massive enough bandwidth and broad reach, the development of ICT-based sectors associated with creativity, and internet networks via wireless networks (WiFi) in public spaces and support services. ICT and others.
Not only that, according to her, it is also necessary to formulate a smart city master plan with a road map containing programs that are in line with the Regional Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD). It is also necessary to establish particular institutions that handle smart cities in districts, provinces, nationally, and various sectors.
“Efforts to achieve smart city need to be supported by a smart community towards society 5.0 with the achievement of a smart economy and smart branding to strengthen Industry 4.0,” she said.
There was also Dean’s report 2020 before the delivery of the scientific oration, in an open senate meeting the commemoration of the 57th Dies Natalis of the UGM Faculty of Geography. In his report, the Dean of the UGM Faculty of Geography, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Muh Aris Marfai, S.Si., M.Sc., conveyed the faculty’s achievements in the last one year covering academic and student affairs, research and publication, community service, human resources and assets, cooperation, and others.
Author: Ika
Translator: Natasa A