The occurrence of Students Community Service had been UGM’s character as a “Kerakyatan” University. In this period, UGM sent its students to conduct the program of UGM SCS-CEL Third Period 2020 on Friday (9/10). As usual, the UGM Directorate of Community Service (DPkM) is the party who routinely organized this activity. The endorsement launching process of the third UGM SCS-CEL was held online throughout the Zoom platform and broadcast live on the Youtube channel kknugm.yogyakarta.
Prof. Ir. Irfan Dwidya Prijambada, M.Eng., Ph.D., Director of UGM Community Service, proclaimed that 256 students enlivened the implementation of UGM SCS-CEL for this period from 16 faculties at UGM. He also added that the students were divided into 11 units and deployed to 5 provinces, namely Yogyakarta, Central Java, West Java, Banten, and East Java.
“The placement would be most in Yogyakarta with seven units. Six units in Sleman Regency and 1 unit in Yogyakarta City. Meanwhile, for other provinces, there would be only one unit each,” he said.
Irfan explained that before students being deployed today, UGM has given the SCS-CEL participants various materials. These materials can be administration material of SCS-CEL by DPKM and chosen material according to interests. According to this interest, the provisioning is mainly driven by KAGAMA friends, alumni of the Faculty of Psychology UGM, with the material for being an “agent of change” to campaign new habits in the New Normal era.
Irfan stated that this period of SCS-CEL field activities would begin on 12 October and end on 30 November. “I encourage the students who are participating in UGM SCS-CEL to support and live the name of the UGM alma mater with commitment and high work performance. The completion of the Community Service Program, which has been well known throughout Indonesia, is a root of pride for the entire UGM family,” he said.
Meanwhile, drg. Ika Dewi Ana, M.Kes., Ph.D., UGM Deputy Chancellor for Research and Community Service, also reminded that SCS students could take care of themselves and their health during the program implementation.
“Taking care of yourself can mean many things, both in terms of speech, the journey of ideas, and behavior. Students, as learners, are essential to understand how to perform. We need to be humble to act like no matter how much knowledge we have; we still need to gain more. That way, it will be easier for us to gain insight. The context of knowledge here refers not to what we usually receive in lecture classes but from everyday life experiences. During the SCS, you will learn from the people you meet, from the situation, from the teacher, from the lecturer, and the whole process throughout Student Community Service,” she explained.
Therefore, Ika said that patience and sincerity would be necessary when students conduct SCS programs in the community. Although you cannot meet in person because the SCS implementation was online due to pandemic, it will still be considered a valuable experience.
Ika also prayed that the hope in the implementation of this Community Service Program would be accomplished. SCS students can acquire something and get valuable knowledge for tomorrow in serving society. “We are proud that you have become part of UGM for contributing your thoughts and hearts to our community. Congratulations on Students Community Service, and hopefully, we can meet soon on campus with new insight and good conditions,” she concluded.
Author: Hakam
Translator: Natasa A