UGM Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FKKMK) UGM launched a dermatology and venereology book online on Thursday (22/10). This book explains various skin and venereal diseases and examines various skin diseases according to the patients’ symptoms and complaints. “Patients do not directly come to the doctor with precise diagnostic results, but with symptoms detected. The doctor could only take action with therapy and drugs for their various complaints after he or she recognized the symptoms,” said Dr. dr. Retno Danarti as a part of the book writer team.
According to Retno, Universitas Gadjah Mada Press published this book entitled Dermatology and Venerology in order to reference doctors and medical students to broaden their knowledge about skin and venereal diseases. “This book can assist them in dealing with patients who come by only submitting complaints with symptoms,” she explained.
Head of the Dermatology and Venereology Department, dr. Fajar Waskito, Sp. H (H), M. Kes., also said that he had long dreamt of writing this book about dermatology and venereology, but it has finished just now. “In Indonesia, there is no particular dermatology book that discusses the symptomatic approach. Whereas it was a solution for practitioners, “he said.
Prof. dr. Ova Emelia, Ph.D., as the Dean of FKKMK, also welcomed the publication result of the dermatology and venereology book. She intended to make this book a reference for dermatologists to make a good and precise diagnosis. “Everything in this book employs the latest literature so that it comprises the latest medical data,” he said.
Author: Gusti Grehenson
Translator: Natasa A