Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) succeeded in becoming the most qualified participant and proposed to the 33rd National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS) 2020 along with 82 teams.
“We are very grateful that 82 UGM Student Creativity Program (PKM) teams successfully passed PIMNAS 2020 and became the biggest number of contingents. The challenging task lies ahead to prepare the team to be ready to compete in the PIMNAS event,” said Head of Sub-Directorate for Student Creativity, UGM Directorate of Student Affairs, Dr. Suherman on Friday (30/10).
The Directorate General of Belmawa, Ministry of Education and Culture, issued a list of universities enrolled in the 33rd PIMNAS. He mentioned UGM as one of the top 101 universities that successfully passed PIMNAS. Meantime, following in ranks two to five, namely Universitas Brawijaya with 42 proposals, IPB 38 proposals, ITS 33 proposals, and Diponegoro University 31 proposals.
Suherman explained that this year UGM submitted 700 PKM proposals. Those covers PKM for Exact Research, PKM for Social Humanities Research, PKM for Entrepreneurship, PKM Karsa Cipta, PKM for Community Service, PKM for Technology, PKM in the field of Scientific Articles, PKM for Written Ideas, and PKM for Constructive Futuristic Ideas. From these totals, there were 228 proposals awarded grant funds for its program implementation. After passing through a series of selections, 82 PKM UGM proposals passed to compete in the final round of PIMNAS 2020.
The UGM contingent that was qualified to proceed to the 33rd PIMNAS included 28 PKM Exact Research teams, 10 Social Humanities Research teams, 9 PKM Karsa Cipta teams, and 8 PKM Entrepreneurship teams. Next, 6 PKM Community Service teams, 6 PKM Technology teams, 11 Writing Ideas PKM teams, and 4 PKM Constructive Futuristic Ideas PKM teams.
“We prepare the UGM team as best as possible to successfully obtain the best results as the host of the 33rd PIMNAS,” he said.
In this current PIMNAS final round, there were 625 teams from 101 universities in Indonesia selected. These teams had also passed previous selection from no less than 65,000 teams that had gone through a series of assessments and received research grants. Next, the 625 teams will again compete for a total of 217 medals.
The plan is for the 33rd PIMNAS to be held online and offline on 24-29 November 2020.
Author: Ika
Translator: Natasa A