UGM received a working visit from the Minister of Research and Technology/Head of the National Innovation Research Agency (Menristek/BRIN), Bambang Brodjonegoro, Friday (18/12).
The visit was carried out in a series of Bakti Inovasi Roadshow Mobile Biosafety Level 2 in Yogyakarta as well as to hand over a Decree (SK) of Menristek/BRIN on Daily Implementation of the National Team for the Acceleration of Covid-19 Vaccine Development to the UGM research team involved in the development of the Red and White vaccine. Menristek/BRIN completed the handover directly to the UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., IPU., ASEAN., Eng., at Grha Sabha Pramana (GSP) UGM.
The development of the Red and White vaccine has been carried out by the UGM research team at the FKKMK UGM laboratory. It leads to adjuvant and recombinant protein DNA models.
As known, there are currently six institutions involved in the development of the vaccine. Apart from UGM, there are LBM Eijkman, UI, ITB, Airlangga University, and LIPI, which each develop vaccines with different platforms.
“We hope that by the end of 2021 the Red and White vaccine can be produced and given to the community,” he explained.
On this occasion, Bambang also introduced the results of the Inovasi Bakti in the form of a bus version of the Biosafety Level 2 Car developed by BPPT. This innovation is a mobile laboratory built on a bus to carry out swab tests to improve Covid-19 testings in various regions.
“BPPT provides a mobile BSL 2 laboratory as an effort to tackle Covid-19 through increased testing,” he explained.
He hopes that Covid-19 testing will get better with BSL 2. Apart from that, it can also be quickly moved from one region to another. That way, it can immediately handle or close down areas with the Covid-19 spike. This mobile laboratory has a testing capacity of up to 500 specimens per day.
This bus can soon be in areas with minimal Covid-19 testing and handling facilities. Bambang stressed the need for the Covid-19 Task Force and the regional government to take sides in using this mobile laboratory innovation.
UGM Rector, Panut Mulyono, said the Covid-19 pandemic on the one hand increases the creativity and innovation of the nation. Various research products have been produced to tackle the new coronavirus outbreak.
“Hopefully creativity and innovation can advance faster. Let’s continue to work together to build a more competitive nation to succeed in global competition,” he said.
In this limited offline visit, which was broadcasted online via the UGM Youtube channel, the Head of BPPT RI, Hammam Riza, Commission VII DPR RI, Gandung Pardiman, and several guests were also present.
After the event, Menrsitek/BRIN visited Baron Techno Park and the Research Division for Natural Product Technology – LIPI in Gunungkidul.
Author: Ika
Photo: Firsto
Translator: Salma