Dr. Yohana Ari Ratnaningtyas, SE, M.Sc., a doctoral student of UGM Faculty of Economics and Business, was officially announced to have passed the Doctor of Management Science Program at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), after completing and advocating a dissertation entitled The Process of Pricing Mural Artwork as Decorative Ornament at ARTOTEL Hotel on Tuesday ( 29/12).
“This dissertation introduces the topic of how the artists and ARTOTEL art management process in communicating, negotiating, which eventually results in an agreement on the murals pricing made to decorate spaces in the ARTOTEL area. This study explores the intense interaction between art directors, artists, and hotel owners in the process of fixing prices,” said Ari Ratnaningtyas online.
The analysis results in his dissertation revealed that five stages occurred in the mural pricing process. The five stages include finding and selecting the artists willing to cooperate with the hotel, the bidding and negotiation stages, the agreement stage and the work completion stage.
“There is a close relation on each stage in the pricing process, and it is considered an effort to append to the proposition about the price-fixing process for artworks, especially murals,” he said.
Supported by Dr. BM Purwanto, M.B.A., as the promoter, Bayu Sutikno, Cand. Merc., Ph.D., and Yulia A. Widyaningsih, M.B.A., as the co-promoters, Ari revealed that the art business research, especially murals, was still included in a new research study, and it still opens widely to explore the mechanism and process of setting mural prices. Research that analyzes the factors that influence mural pricing is still minimal. Therefore, this can be a point of interest and an opportunity for further research.
“This study aims to identify the negotiation process in fixing mural prices that occurs between artists and ARTOTEL. This study used a qualitative study design with a single-case study approach. The observation areas were using seven top hotels under ARTOTEL management,” added the lecturer at the Department of Art Management, Faculty of Fine Arts, ISI, Yogyakarta.
Author: Agung Nugroho
Photo: Travel. kompas.com
Translator: Natasa A