Pandemic has a tremendous effect on almost all parts of the world. However, this should not have hindered workers from stopping the process of creating innovative results. The Center of Youth Studies from the UGM Faculty of Politic and Social Sciences (FISIPOL), YouSure collaborated with the University of Melbourne, Australia organized an arts festival entitled, “Festival 8×3: Gerak Bising Dalam Ruang Hening”. This event was held from 8-15 March 2021 to strengthen the creative workers in maintaining their strategy to face the Covid-19 pandemic.
This positive activity gave a space for the Faculty of Politic and Social Sciences (FISIPOL) to engage in arts and strengthen solidarity between academicians and artists. Oki Rahadianto Sutopo, as Executive Director of YouSure Fisipol UGM and co-leader of Indonesian researchers, mentioned that one of the most influential ways to overcome pandemics is by strengthening solidarity. Moreover, this event also got support from Australia-Indonesia Center.
“The manifestation of solidarity from this event can be seen from the process of collaboration between academicians and the artists. This event provides unlimited space to express the collaboration of expression between the scientific and artistic worlds,” he said on Monday (08/03).
As the musician who was also engaged in this event, Adrian also stated that solidarity had become an important value within this collaborative event.
“I am so grateful to people who have entrusted me to bear responsibility as one of the collaborators in this 8×3 show. I am pleased to have an opportunity in the middle of this pandemic to be able to synergize, accept each other and share the same purpose. A challenge to make music that can reflect these extraordinary conditions, keep on fire, and do not give up,” Adrian said.
The creative works made by Yogyakarta’s artists were displayed within this festival. In this sequential event, contemporary dance was held on 8 March. Meanwhile, for the following days until 15 March, there would be an online art exhibition. Several arts displayed included photojournalism, fashion photos, and short videos of reflections on pandemic conditions.
This festival is free and open to the public. The public can access information related to the event from the official website and social media of YouSure, UGM Faculty of Politic and Social Sciences (UGM FISIPOL).
Author: Agung Nugroho