UGM, as one of the best universities in Indonesia, provided a place to organize UTBK or computer-based written examinations for students who want to continue their studies in higher education. This year, there are 11.716 participants registered for UTBK in UGM. They consist of 5.796 for scientific exams, 5.481 for social humanities, and 439 participants registered for the mixed examination.
According to the Vice-Chancellor of Education, Teaching and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Djagal Wiseso Marseno, M.Agr., there are two waves of the test. The first wave is organized between 12-18 April and the second wave is 26 April-2 May.
“The result will be announced on 14 June 2021,” said Djagal on Monday (12/4).
He also added that UGM provided 13 locations and 52 rooms. There are two shifts of the test each day. The first shift starts from 06.45-10.30 WIB and the second shift starts from 13.00-16.35 WIB. Meanwhile, the mixed-examination will be held on 06.45-12.00 WIB, and it is exceptional for mixed-examination that there will be no exam on Friday. However, the second shift in mixed-examination will move to 13.45-17.20.
“There will be a maximum number of 870 registrants in one shift. The UTBK committee had also coordinated with the UGM Covid-19 Task Force,” he explained.
In its implementation, the UTBK committee had also informed the participants regarding their preparations, one of which was the valid statement letter of negative/non-reactive result from Swab antigen/GeNose/PCR. The participants are also required to bring exam participant cards (printed in color) and an identity card (KTP/SIM/Student Card), wear a medical mask, and bring a hand sanitizer.
The committee also provided information for GeNose C19 services, and it is located in RSUP Dr. Sardjito, RS JIH, RS Bethesda, RS UII dan RS UAD.
Author: Satria
Photo: Firsto