Pelita Harapan University, again, held their annual event called Psychology Village 12. In this commemoration, they organized the quiz contest of Psychosmart. This time, the topic raised was about self-efficacy in the psychology education context. In addition, there were also other topics such as Psychology Industry Organization, Cognitive Psychology, Social Psychology, Mental Disorder, Counseling Theory, and Personality Theory. The UGM team was represented by Belinda, Hijriyahningrum Fifko Putri, and Lovena Nadira Setiawan, who had successfully gained the first award.
“There were also other 14 teams from Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, UNIKA Atma Jaya, Tarumanagara University, Pelita Harapan University, and Diponegoro University,” said Belinda on Friday (30/4).
It was quite unbelievable to win the competition because there were many obstructions during the process. The first was about the bad connection they might probably have. Secondly, they had read the 12 mandatory books just a day before the competition. Still, their efforts paid off.
“We were in the middle of mid-term tests in this 6th semester, and we got a lot of work to do. These made us think that other universities have a greater preparation than us,” Belinda explained.
“But finally, we could pass the first stage,” she added.
In the case study as the final stage, they relied more on the memories and what they learned during six semesters rather than from the 1-2 books they read.
“This was our first try in online competition,” explained Belinda.
Author: Khansa.