Fifteen UGM students are currently participating in the 20th National Sports Week (PON) in Papua. These athletes represent contingents from the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Central Java, Bali, and Papua for pencak silat, karate, archery, chess, judo, softball, roller skating, and tennis. As of this writing, they have managed to secure two gold medals for archery and softball and one bronze medal for chess.
“Congratulations to our students who have represented their respective regions for their achievements in the PON Papua,” said UGM Director of Student Affairs Dr. Suharyadi, Saturday (9/10).
According to him, students remain excellent in sports despite being occupied by their academic responsibilities due to their frequent practices and active involvement in Student Activity Units (UKM). Generally, he continued, these students were accepted at UGM through special admission designated for talented students. Some of these students were awarded scholarships at UGM in recognition of their outstanding academic and non-academic achievements.
Upon the completion of PON 2021, students are scheduled to receive an award from the University and have an audience with the Rector.
The following provides a list of medal winners from UGM:
Gold Medal
Archery (Team): Baihaqi Mustafa (Engineering) and Surya Atmaja (Engineering)
Softball: Andari Sekarningrum (Biology), Nazrey Lazuardi (Engineering), Ahmad Nur Ramadhan (Engineering), and Atika Putri Rininta (Engineering)
Bronze Medal
Chess: M. Kahfi (Engineering)
Author: Gusti Grehenson