UGM students won the most awards at 2021 Satria Data, a Statistics and Data Science Competition run by the National Achievement Center. The contingent took home seven awards from four categories competed as listed below:
Statistics Infographic Competition: Vincensius Dimas Restu Wiranda (1st), Tetuko Titah Gusti (2nd)
National Statistics Competition: Arum Sekar Murdaya (2nd), Muhammad Adelft Ramadhan (Master of Analysis)
Statistics Essay Competition: Ruth Cornelia Nugraha (Best Presentation), Ade Firmansyah (Best Creativity)
Big Data Challenge: Dhestar Bagus Wirawan (The Most Scalable Algorithm)
“The newly established Komastagama (the community of the said students) dares to seize the opportunity to win the competition,” Head of Komastagama Meisal said on Monday (29/11). “Thanks to the team’s efforts and hard work, we managed to become the overall winners.”
According to Meisal, the National Statistics Competition category challenges students to analyze data and solve statistical problems. The Statistical Essay Competition encourages students to come up with creative essay ideas around statistics and data science.
In the Statistics Infographic Competition, participants need to create an appealing, comprehensive infographic of the topics provided. The last category, Big Data Challenge, requires participants to make recommendations or solutions to actual business/operational/strategic problems using analytics.
In addition to enhancing students’ knowledge and insight into statistics, data science, and their applications, this competition aims to improve students’ communication, visualization, collaboration, and creativity skills in solving complex problems.
Author: Ika