As per the latest Joint Ministerial Decree, Universitas Gadjah Mada will resume on-campus education for all students in the upcoming academic semester (February 2022). Previously in October 2021, UGM partially returned to campus where only students meeting particular criteria (e.g., seniors needing to complete final papers or freshmen) were encouraged and prioritized to participate in face-to-face lectures.
“UGM is all set to organize full in-person classes. The scheme will start in the even semester of the 2021/2022 academic year and will remain effective in the following semesters depending on conditions and needs,” explained Dr. Hatma Suryatmojo, Head of UGM Center for Academic Innovation and Studies (PIKA), Monday (17/1).
Hatma continued, the scheme is not mandatory. Lecturers are given the freedom to determine the minimum percentage of in-person classes they want to conduct as long as synchronous and asynchronous learning remains balanced. In principle, he added, lecturers have the flexibility to design their teaching and learning frameworks with this hybrid learning model.
“Later, if the lecturer cannot organize offline classes due to comorbidities or else, the study program will form a teaching team to facilitate the classes,” he said.
Currently, UGM is mapping and updating the data of eligible lecturers and staff for the scheme. Apart from ensuring that supporting infrastructure is ready, the University is now confirming the number of face-to-face courses for the entire semester, hence satisfying the set learning outcomes.
Prior to taking the classes, students must submit a letter of consent from their parents (under 18 years old), proof of good health, and have at least the first dose of the COVID vaccine. Those who haven’t received a jab can provide a statement declaring the reason, such as certain medical conditions or an insufficient vaccine quota.
Author: Ika
Photo: Firsto