The new professor of Forest Products Technology, Sri Nugroho Marsoem, was inaugurated on Thursday (20/1). In his inaugural address, Professor Marsoem highlighted the importance of wood in human life. The development of science and technology, including policy in Indonesia, has increased the added value of wood.
“There are many challenges as well as opportunities in its utilization, especially regarding environmental conservation,” he explained.
In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the characteristics of the wood to allow the highest added value. To date, there are still many types of wood that have not been used properly.
Indonesia’s forests, he continued, have the potential to produce wood, both for domestic and international consumption. Research conducted by Martawijaya et al. (2005) states that there are around 4000 types of timber trees in our forests, many of which are of high commercial value.
Apart from increasing value, scientists and people in the wood processing industry are expected to enhance the benefits of wood for society, including more job opportunities, fair wages, and a sustainable environment.
Author: Ika
Photo: Firsto