Auliya Jihan Salsabila, Cahyani Ramadhan, and Davina Daudina (Ndara Gama) have taken home top prize in the writing competition of DISCO 5th organized by Diponegoro University. Apart from the writing contest, the DISCO 5th also held a design contest and seminar.
“The theme of the DISCO 5th this year is Realizing Infrastructure Development in the Context of Transforming Indonesia’s Development Acceleration toward SDGs 2030,” said Aulia, Thursday (9/6).
In this competition, the Ndara Gama received guidance from lecturer Dr. M. Rizka Fahmi Amrozi and created an integrated concept to revitalize one of the public transportation modes in Yogyakarta called Trans Jogja.
“The team picked the sub-theme ‘Smart and Safe Public Transportation System’ and presented a paper entitled TRUST (Trans Jogja Revitalization for Urban Smart and Safe Transportation System),” said Aulia.
TRUST is an integrated system concept consisting of many components, one of which is the application of the Intelligent Transport System (ITS) to support an inclusive, intelligent, and sustainable Trans Jogja.
Author: Agung Nugroho