UGM Urban Design students have bagged the top prize at the International Student Competition of the 2022 World Planning Schools Congress Asian Planning Schools Association (WPSC APSA) held in Bali.
Receiving advice from Dr. Ikaputra and Prof. Bambang Hari Wibisono, the students Adhitya Djarot, Nia Indriani, Isnayati Fauziah, Resty Aprila Hardi, and Muhammad Yoki Darmawan came up with the idea to develop Cicurug (a sub-district of Sukabumi regency in West Java) using the concept of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD).
Located between two mountains, Mount Salak and Mount Pangrango, Cicurug is known for its scenic potential. Over time, Cicurug developed into a large industrial area that absorbed a lot of workers from various regions in West Java.
“We think Cicurug is a promising rural transit-oriented area,” she said.
The team visited the sub-district to observe its problems and potential. They then focused on some of the characteristics of TOD, namely density, diversity, destination accessibility, walkability design, and transit design, in solving the issues.
The development aims at three main goals. First, it targets urban renewal to improve environmental quality by developing and revitalizing the area and providing better public facilities.
The next goal is to add urban acupuncture transportation intervention to influence Cicurug significantly through intervention on access and transportation. Lastly, the team wants to regenerate life, building an inclusive and sustainable environment in an area that is in sync with nature.
Author: Ika