Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has been named one of the 18 best universities in the 2022 Student Creativity Program (PKM). This ranking is based on the highest funding and incentives received by universities this year.
“UGM received funding and incentives for 117 proposals. We still have to compete in PIMNAS 2022 (National Student Scientific Week), scheduled for the end of the year. Hopefully, we can also perform well at the event,” said UGM Director of Student Affairs Dr. Suharyadi on Monday (9/26).
Head of Sub-Directorate for Student Creativity Dr. Suherman said as many as 84 teams received funding in eight PKM fields, and 33 teams received incentives in two fields. He added that UGM would maintain the regeneration of the PKM team consisting of students, lecturers, and mentors as the key to the stability of PKM and PIMNAS achievements.
“More than 1,000 campuses in Indonesia participate in PKM-PIMNAS every year. The competition is fierce, and all campuses want to advance,” said Dr. Suherman.
This year, students can participate in 10 PKM fields: Entrepreneurship, Karsa Cipta, Community Service, Research in Exact Sciences, Research in Social Humanities, Science and Technology Application, Innovative Works, Futuristic Ideas, Constructive Idea Videos, and Scientific Articles.
Author: Ika