More than 39 thousand participants will take part in the UGM’s admission test, Independent Computer-Based Test (UM-CBT), conducted in six cities in Indonesia this year.
“As many as 39,534 participants spread across six cities in Indonesia will take UM-CBT this year,” explained the Director of Education and Learning, Professor Gandes Retno Rahayu, on Tuesday (20/1).
The test begins in Pekanbaru and Balikpapan on June 21-23. Next is Medan on June 22-24, Makassar on June 23-25, Yogyakarta on July 1-8, and Jakarta on July 3-8. UGM will release results on July 13.
The director stated that out of the 39,534 registrants, 30,791 participants would take the test in Yogyakarta, 5,507 participants in Jakarta, 1,200 participants in Pekanbaru, 1,195 participants in Medan, 371 participants in Balikpapan, and 470 participants in Makassar.
The test will be conducted in two sessions each day. The subjects for the science group include an academic ability test for exact science (physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics), a general ability test (basic mathematics, English, and Indonesian), and an academic potential test.
For the social science group, test-takers will face an academic ability test for social science (history, geography, economics, sociology), a general ability test (basic mathematics, English, and Indonesian), and an academic potential test.
The mixed group subjects will include academic ability tests for exact science (physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics) and social science (history, geography, economics, sociology), a general ability test (basic mathematics, English, and Indonesian), and an academic potential test.
Professor Rahayu added that UGM would admit approximately 40% of the total quota of 9,302 students through UM-CBT, following the applicable Rector’s Decree, which allocates 30% for SNBP, 30% for SNBT, and 40% for UM-CBT.
Author: Ika