The Symbol shall bear meanings as follows:Â

- The rays of the sun and the golden kartika (five-angle star) represent the University’ s nature as a Pancasila University, a national science and cultural center for higher education founded on Pancasila that promotes science, reality, loftiness, and righteousness.
- The center of the Symbol is a surya binolong (a sun with a hole). The word surya (sun) symbolizes "one" while the word binolong symbolizes "nine", hence "19", the date on which the University was founded. Each ray of the sun consists of nineteen beams, hence "19", the date on which the University was founded..
- Surrounding the hole, at the center of the sun, are two circles arranged as twin suns inside the five rays that constitute the kartika. The kartika symbolizes "one" while the twin suns symbolize "two", hence "12", December, the month in which the University was founded.
- The five songkoks (official hats of military commanders) and five spears reflect the University’ s struggle and heroic nature that keeps the University prepared and alert. All the songkoks and spears are penetrated and absorbed by Pancasila; this reflects the nature of the University as a monument to the national struggle founded on Pancasila.
- All the five rays of the sun, the five-angle star, the five songkoks and the five spears represent Pancasila; this reflects the heroic foundation, nature, and objectives of the University, i.e. national struggle for Pancasila.
- The white color represents holiness and purity. That the golden color surrounds the white color symbolizes a sengkalan memet, i.e. a concept that implicitly concludes the relationship between the white color and the golden color. The concept reads murnining suci margining kanyatan (purity and holiness are the path of reality). The word murni symbolizes "nine", suci "four", marga "nine", kanyatan "one"; hence from the back they read "1949", the year in which the University was founded.
Use of the Symbol, The Symbol may be used by buildings, offices, stamps, certificates, and any other entities bearing formal positions with respect to the University’ s authority, capacity, and proprietary rights.