Former Chief of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), Ir. A.M. Hendropriyono, S.H., S.E., MBA., MA., finally earned a cum laude doctoral degree from Universitas Gadjah Mada. Hendropriyono succesfully defended his dissertation entitled “Terrorism in Analytical Philosophy: Its Relevance with National Resilience†at UGM Graduate School Saturday (25/7).
“Hereby, the team of examiners has decided that Hendropriyono has obtained a doctoral degree with a cum laude distinction,†said the Chief of the Examiners, Prof. Dr. Mukhtasar. The team comprises Prof. Dr. Syafii Maarif, Prof. Dr. Mukhtasar, Prof. Dr. Koento Wibisono, Prof. Dr. Syamsul Hadi and Prof. R. Soejadi, SH. Acting as supervisor and co-supervisor were Prof. Dr. Kaelan, M.S., Prof. Dr. Lasiyo, M.A., and Prof. Dr. Djoko Suryo. Hendropriyono became the 1089th doctor who graduated from UGM, and the 51st from Faculty of Philosophy.
Prof. Kaelan in his statement said that Hendropriyono was a former official who positioned himself well as a student. He considered him as a doctoral candidate hungry for knowledge that he had never skipped class.
“In the last few days before the examination, consultation went on until 2 AM, I reminded him to stay fit so that he wouldn’t catch a cold during the examination.â€
Kaelan said that the writing of the dissertation took place at the moment when terrorism hit home. During the early period of writing, the Bali bombings II occurred. The last phase of the writing took place around the time of the Mega Kuningan series of bombings.
Despite the fact, Kaelan hoped that with his degree Hendropriyono could contribute his thoughts and energy to the state, particularly in improving the function of state intelligence, especially at the time when Indonesia is made a target of terrorism as seen in the Mega Kuningan bombings.
When given an opportunity to speak at the podium, Hendro said that he was very proud as an UGM doctor who had conducted a research on the philosophy of Pancasila. In his opinion the first honoris causa doctoral degree on Pancasila was conferred to Bung Karno.
Hendropriyono mentioned his amazement at his cum laude distinction as he had previously only expected a passing grade. “I didn’t expect to earn this honor. I just thought to have a passing degree and that’s enough. So this is really a gift.â€
In his dissertation, Hendropriyono says that terrorism is a social phenomenon difficult to comprehend, even by the terrorists themselves. Even without sufficient knowledge, somebody can perpetrate a horrible terror attack which has massive implications. According to Hendro, tactics and techniques of terrorists have developed in line with the advance of science and technology whilst the strategy has developed alongside their ideology or philosophy.
He said that terrorism manipulated ways, statements and language of its own in its struggle to reach its aim. Furthermore, he said that terrorists use epistemological justification and interpret ideologies and truths by misusing meanings.
The manipulation of truth often refers to religious patterns interpreted and manipulated with the use of language. This is made a justification for all revolutionary and dramatic acts.
Hendro had learned for three years for his research and he focused more on terrorism using the language analytical philosophy.
“The language used in terrorism is actually split into two grammars, which are to threaten and pray at the same time†he said.
He said that the split grammar in terrorism showed that the terrorists have split personalities. Perpetrators of terrorism are also unable to differ knowledge so that the subject and object of terrorism become unlimited.
“The active and passive terror activities depend on whether conducive or not the community where it is situated. Fundamentalism or Wahhabism is the most conducive environment for terrorism. This has started to infiltrate into some Indonesian Muslims,†he explained.
On the relevance of terrorism study and national resilience, Hendro emphasized more on the efforts to raise awareness about the need to revitalize the philosophy of Pancasila, which includes basic values, instrument values and practical values. Particularly on the practical values, an arrangement of accommodative program is required for various problems faced by the people.
Hendropriyono is a retired general who was born in Yogyakarta, 7 May 1945. Since 1948, he has been living in Jakarta. He pursued his education at SR Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Jakarta High School, State Administration STIA LAN RI Jakarta (1985), Military Law Academy, Open University and University of the City of Manila in the Philippines.
Attending the event were former Jakarta Governor Sutiyoso, Gorontalo Governor Dr. Fadel Muhammad, Speaker of the DPD RI Ginandjar Kartasasmita, economist Prof. Dr. Sri Edi Swasono, politician Permadi, Minister of Women Empowerment Meutia Hatta, former commander of Jamaah Islamiah Nasir Abbas, former Speaker of the People’s Legislative Assembly Ir Akbar Tanjung, Chief Editor of TV One Karni Ilyas and the Director of Trans Corporation Chairul Tanjung.