For the first time, the Faculty of Medicine, UGM, sent 88 doctors to participate in an internship program in several community health centers and hospitals located in eight regencies in Yogyakarta and Central Java. This program will last for two months. They will be deployed to Sleman, Gunung Kidul, Kulon Progo, Bantul, Wonogiri, Wonosobo, Boyolali and Klaten regencies.
"This program is to improve the quality of service and medical skills of doctors. Doctors around the world have the same knowledge, what makes them different is their technical skills, "said Dean of the Faculty, Prof.dr.Ali Ghufron Mukti, M.Sc., Ph.D., in front of 88 doctors during a ceremony at UGM, Monday (12/10).
This internship program also aims to improve the quality of services in clinics, hospitals and community health centers. In addition, this program is the implementation of the community service program. "It is expected that graduates have good skills and are trained for their field of expertise," he said.
"During this program, they worked for free for two months at 43 hospitals and health centers," dr. Sumadiono, Sp.A.(K) from the Faculty told reporters.
"Most doctors take a 20-year experience." He added that this program will add experience and accelerate their skills in medical services.