Democratic system is not a system that ensures the establishment of a perfect society. Democracy is just a better system compared to other systems humans have ever attempted. As the famous words of Winston Churchill’s: "It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried."
Vice-President Prof. Dr. Boediono made such assertion during the public lecture Building Democracy in Indonesia in the Senate Hall of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Monday (3/5). A number of notable personage were attending the event, including Minister of National Education of Indonesia, Muhammad Nuh, Governor of Yogyakarta Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, Rector of UGM Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M.Eng., Ph.D., and other UGM leaders.
According to Boediono, there is something you can rely on democracy despite its imperfection. It is the adaptive capability and thus, following the theories of Charles Darwin, its survival ability will remain to be seen. Especially with the liberated media, the general election in particular, the equipment and corrective method are available to improve what is lacking and deformed by well-ordered and peaceful means.
"What we need to remember is that building democracy is a long journey, it is very long indeed and not always risk-free," he explained. Before the Deans, Vice Deans, faculty and students, the Vice-President explained that Indonesia is already in the early stages. Yet every one realizes that a good start does not guarantee a good end. The history of many nations can be an example of this. Some seemed to start the democracy successfully, but eventually lost momentum, or lost direction. "A good start is just a good start, then it will depend on how we, political elites, lead the journey of the nation," he explained.
Of the various democracy journeys that have been passed, Boediono said if the failure of democracy resulted in the failure to establish an effective government that can provide tangible benefits for the people. The benefits can be in the form of improved well-being, justice and security. These are the guarantee to justice and freedom.
"Without effective government, democracy hardly provides the real results that people desire. Without tangible results, democracy will lose its legitimacy," said the Vice-President.